Shaping a better future, together
Sustainability is an increasingly important factor in investment decisions; it will become more important in the future and offers interesting opportunities. At Santander Private Banking, we are convinced that long-term returns on investments are connected with caring for the environment, the social dimension and governance.
Lastest insights

SustAInability: doing good, faster and better
What do AI and sustainability have in common? More than you might think! There's some real common ground: both rely on technology and innovation to thrive. What if we apply the potential of AI to the urgent issues we need to address in sustainability?

The transition to a low-carbon economy, the biggest challenge of this century
Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires a sweeping transformation of production, consumption, and transport. Energy accounts for more than three-quarters of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally and holds the key to avoiding the worst effects of climate change.

Green hydrogen: fuelling a sustainable future
Hydrogen is the most abundant and simplest chemical element on the planet; it is present in 75% of matter. According to S&P Research, green hydrogen is one of the top ten cleantech trends in 2024, and it is becoming a key part of net zero plans to decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors.

The circular economy and how investors can participate
Reducing, reusing and recycling will be vital in the future to find a balance between production and consumption. The circular economy offers extensive investment opportunities thanks to the boom in companies that are innovating in waste management, smart and sustainable packaging and collaborative economy platforms.

Climate adaptation vs mitigation: two sides of the same coin
The effects of extreme weather events around the world are affecting key dimensions of human life and business operations. We talk a lot about mitigation. However, the missing link on the road to carbon neutrality is adaptation. Adaptation is complementary to mitigation and just as essential.

Biodiversity: What it is and why it is important
Biodiversity is the second-most effective way of mitigating climate change, after fossil fuel replacement. Human activity has seriously altered 75% of the planet's land surface and 66% of the marine ecosystem2.

Renewable energy - why its time has come
The coronavirus pandemic has affected all industries around the world, including energy, disrupting prices and demand and, in turn, wreaking collateral damage on the portfolio of future projects and investments. These changes have accelerated the transformation towards renewable energies. Now is the time to share in the opportunities that this energy transition presents.

The road to a fully electric future
Sales of electric cars have been accelerating steadily for more than a decade, topping a record 3.2 million globally in 2020 even as the Covid-19 pandemic slowed overall sales of passenger cars.
Santander Private Banking is part of the Wealth Management &Insurance Division, a global business unit of Banco Santander, S.A. (“Santander”). This publication includes Santander Private Banking judgment as of the date of its publication and are subject to change. Although all information contained herein has been compiled from sources that Santander considers reliable, Santander assumes no liability whatsoever for any use made of the information contained in this document. Santander Private Banking uses internal ESG methodology and all data provided herein are published solely for informational purposes. In case of you may have any specific investment objective please contact your Private Banker. Please note that past returns are no guarantee of future performance. The financial assets described in this publication may not be eligible for sale or distribution in certain jurisdictions or to certain categories or types of investors. For further information please contact your Private Banker. ® Banco Santander, S.A. All rights reserved.